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We need your mobile number so that we can verify key actions like payments, and keep your account secure.

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Your information

Before we can set up your account, we just need your date of birth so we can complete a few standard checks.

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Your address

As you’re setting up an account, we just need to know a little bit more about you.

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Financial information

Please provide information on your expected foreign exchange requirements.

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Destination and source of funds

Destination of funds

Please add the countries you expect to be sending money to.
This is just for our internal records and won’t affect what payments you can make.

Source of funds

Please add the countries your funds originate from.

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Currencies required

Please add the currencies you expect to use. This is just for our internal records and won’t affect what payments you can make.

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Confirm your details

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Thanks for registering

That’s all the information we need to get you up and running. Please note that we are required by the FCA to run standard checks but will send you an email as soon as they are complete.

If you need to make an urgent payment, reach out to us on +44 (0)20 7778 9350.

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