Mission update 2022

Company news
Euan Robb

At Equals Money, our mission is to make money movement as simple as possible for you and your business. As we continue to create, grow, and innovate as a company, this remains as both our motivation and end goal.

Read on to learn more about what we’ve achieved in the last year, bringing us closer to fulfilling our mission and further positioning ourselves as a company you can trust: to take care of your money, to support your business, and to guide you in the right direction.

Equals Money
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Company Growth

This July, Equals Group PLC was pleased to announce strong performance and results for H1-2022, with an 84% growth in revenue at £31.3 million. 

These financial results not only show another record-breaking performance for the group following on from a strong FY-2021 performance, but also demonstrates the level at which the group and our B2B arm Equals Money is continuing to grow.

As we grow and develop, we are continually investing in our product development, customer marketing, front-office staff resources, and compliance capabilities.

You can read the full financial report with revenue in detail here.


This year we partnered with Featurespace, announcing in August our intentions to embed the world-leading fraud prevention solution, ARIC™ Risk Hub, across our platforms.

ARIC™ Risk Hub provides industry leading Payment Fraud, Anti-Money Laundering, and Card Fraud Prevention solutions. In addition, its self-learning technology gives us the ability to apply adaptive machine learning models to identify fraud that standard rule-based systems would otherwise miss. 

Using this new system allows us to offer and deliver payments and foreign exchange solutions that are fast, straightforward, and adaptive to ever-changing markets. This ensures our money movement solutions continue to be simple and safe.

Read more about our partnership with Featurespace here.

Shared cards

The end of October saw the launch of Shared cards, our first iteration of virtual cards available on the Equals Money platform.

With Shared cards, you can generate, keep track, and name each virtual card for its specific purpose, and they’ll all pull from the same account balance. Soon, you’ll be able to attach your Shared cards to specific “Balances”, a money management feature coming soon. For example, within your marketing Balance you can have a Shared card for each ad platform your marketing team uses such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads.

Shared cards can simplify your business expenses and provide an additional layer of security, visibility, and convenience when it comes to managing online spend.

Read more about Shared cards here.


Recently, we entered agreements to acquire Roqqett, an open banking payments platform.

The acquisition will allow us to access a number of features that will enhance our current product offerings, such as their open banking checkout, acquiring technology, and consumer mobile app.

Our CEO Ian Strafford-Taylor said: “We are delighted to announce the acquisition of Roqqett and its cutting edge open-banking payment platform and welcome Glenn and his team to the Equals Group.

“The platform, underlying technology, and licences that we are acquiring fit well with our stated strategy of providing payments solutions to our B2B customer base.”

The acquisition is conditional upon regulatory approval from the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’).

Read more about the acquisition of Roqqett here.

Smaller changes

We believe that even the smallest changes and improvements can have a big impact on you and your business when moving and managing your money. That’s why we’re constantly making changes to improve your experience with Equals Money.

New and improved emails

This year, we’ve improved your email experience with us. Emails from Equals Money saw a new and improved look compatible with the platform, we also began sending out fewer emails per transaction to avoid clogging your inbox - now you only receive one email when adding funds to your balance.

Payment approval emails have been expanded to include all the information you’ll need in one message, so you can decide what to approve before you log in.

Balance based views

We’ve made several improvements to enhance your overall experience as a user on our platform. Based on customer feedback, we’ve cleaned up transaction names to reflect direction.

We’ve also linked your account directly to our core accounts infrastructure, so you’ll see credits come through in real time with detailed remitter information.

These are just a few of the many changes, developments, and improvements of all sizes that we are constantly making to simplify the movement of money and to better serve you and your business.

Equals Money

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