Selling property abroad: Getting out of a timeshare

Euan Robb

When it comes to selling property abroad, the process can feel overwhelming, especially if you're looking to offload a timeshare.

But fear not, we're here to guide you through the complexities of the international real estate market, and for those inevitable international transactions, Equals Money's international payments service has your back.

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Getting out of a timeshare:

1. Understanding timeshares

Timeshares gained traction and popularity for allowing multiple individuals to have rights to use a property for specified periods each year. However, they can become a burden when maintenance fees rise, or personal circumstances change. If you're no longer enjoying your yearly getaway or are grappling with unwanted costs, selling might be on your mind.

2. Know your exit options

  • Rescinding the contract: In the early stages after purchase, some contracts allow a rescission period. Check yours to see if this is an option.
  • Selling: Much like any real estate, you can sell your timeshare. However, ensure you understand the value (which can depreciate over time) as well as any restrictions such as waiting lists implemented by resort owners.
  • Gift or transfer: Consider transferring your timeshare to family or friends who might be interested.

3. Navigating the international marketplace

Selling a timeshare abroad adds the complexity of dealing with foreign real estate regulations and currency transactions. Ensure you're familiar with the local property market and have a trusted legal representative to help navigate contracts and negotiations.

4. Setting the right price

Given the high supply and low demand for timeshares, setting a competitive price is essential. Do market research and possibly get an appraisal. Be realistic about the value to ensure a swift sale.

5. Avoid scams

Sadly, the timeshare resale market is rife with scams. Always:

  • Be wary of unsolicited offers.
  • Avoid paying large upfront fees.
  • Do thorough research on any company or individual you're considering working with.

6. Managing the money: The Equals Money advantage

When you've found a buyer, especially one from another country, managing currency conversion becomes crucial. With fluctuating exchange rates and potentially volatile currency markets, you need a trusted partner.

Equals Money's international payments service is designed for such cross-border transactions. Here's why it stands out:

  • Competitive exchange rates: Access competitive exchange rates for 140+ different currencies and allow yourself to get the most out of your timeshare sale.
  • Simple & efficient: With a seamless online platform and same-day and next-working-day transfers, transferring money is quick and easy.
  • Dedicated support: Equals Money's team of experts are available to guide you through the transfer process, ensuring you're up to date on any market movements and can make informed decisions every step of the way.

Remember, when selling property abroad, it's not just about finding a buyer; it's about ensuring the money transfer process is smooth, efficient, and gets you the most out of your transactions. Equals Money is your ideal partner in this venture.


Getting out of a timeshare, particularly one abroad, doesn't have to be a headache. By understanding your options, avoiding pitfalls, and having a reliable partner like Equals Money for international transactions, you're on the right path to a successful sale.

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