Selling property in France from the UK

Reuben Allonby

Do you own property in France and are considering selling it as a UK resident? The selling process can be a rewarding endeavour, but understanding how to navigate it and managing international money transfers can be complex.

This blog post will guide you through the crucial steps of selling your French property and illustrate how to save on EUR to GBP international money transfers, enhancing your return on investment.

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Preparing your property for sale

The first step in selling property in France is to prepare it for sale. This might involve minor repairs or updates, deep cleaning, and staging the property for viewings. Hiring a professional real estate agent familiar with the local market can be invaluable at this stage.

Understanding the legal requirements

Selling property in France involves various legal requirements, including mandatory diagnostic reports on aspects like energy performance, natural and technological risks, and the presence of lead or asbestos. A notaire (a French public official) usually manages the legal aspects of the sale.

Pricing and marketing your property

Setting a competitive price and marketing your property effectively are crucial to attracting potential buyers. Your real estate agent can help you determine a reasonable price based on local market conditions and ensure your property reaches a wide audience.

Navigating the sale process

Once a buyer makes an offer, and you accept it, a sales contract (compromis de vente) is signed. A notaire then conducts a conveyancing process, which includes verifying the property title, checking for outstanding liens, and preparing the final deed of sale (acte de vente).

Repatriating the sale proceeds

After the sale, you'll likely want to transfer the proceeds back to the UK, converting them from euros into pounds. This is where a currency exchange specialist like Equals Money comes into play. They offer competitive exchange rates when compared to traditional banks, optimising your EUR to GBP transfers.

Maximising value on EUR to GBP international money transfers

To ensure you're getting the best value on your international money transfers, consider the following:

  1. Use a currency exchange specialist: Equals Money often provides more competitive rates and lower fees than banks, saving you money on your transfers.
  2. Set up a forward contract: This allows you to lock in an exchange rate for a future transfer and mitigate the risk from potential market fluctuations. Although should the rate continue to move after the contract has been agreed, you’ll still receive the original agreed exchange rate, presenting a potential disadvantage in choosing a forward contract. However, many looking to sell property abroad find the stability offered by a forward contract outweighs this disadvantage.*
  3. Monitor exchange rates: Keep a close eye on the EUR to GBP exchange rate to transfer funds when the rate is most favourable.


Selling property in France from the UK can be a complex yet rewarding journey. By understanding the selling process and utilising Equals Money for your international money transfers, you can optimise the value of your investment and make the most out of your French property sale. As you navigate this exciting chapter, remember that careful planning and a keen eye on exchange rates can go a long way in maximising your returns.

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*Equals Money can only offer forward contracts to facilitate payments for goods and services

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