Top 5 use cases for a multi-currency account

Reuben Allonby

In the ever-evolving world of global business, the need for efficient financial solutions is paramount. One such solution making waves in the financial sector is the multi-currency account, and for good reason. But with several options in the market, how do you choose the best for your needs?

About Equals Money

38 currencies, one account

Equals Money's multi-currency account: managing, sending, and receiving funds in 38 currencies made seamlessly efficient. For UK businesses with a global outlook, this is nothing short of a game-changer. Let's explore the top 5 use cases that make this offering the top choice:

1. Global e-commerce businesses

With online shopping dominating the commercial landscape, e-commerce businesses are truly global entities. A multi-currency account allows for:

  • Seamless transactions: Transact in local currencies without the hassles of conversion or hefty fees.
  • Boosted customer confidence: Providing prices in local currencies can enhance the user experience and increase sales.

2. Freelancers & digital nomads

The digital age has ushered in a new era of work, where location is no longer a constraint.

  • Get paid easily: Freelancers can receive payments in the currency of their client's choice.
  • Hassle-free finances: With Equals Money's multi-currency IBAN allowing a single account to hold multiple currencies and balances, freelancers can efficiently manage their funds without the intricacies of multiple bank accounts.

3. International real estate investment

Investing in property overseas? The multi-currency account has got you covered.

  • Smooth property transactions: Pay for properties or receive rental income in the local currency.
  • Streamlined financial management: Easily manage and repatriate funds from your overseas properties.

4. Travel & tourism businesses

For businesses in the travel and tourism sector, fluctuations in currency rates can impact their bottom line.

  • Locked-in rates: Secure competitive rates and protect your business from currency volatility with payment options such as forward contracts.*
  • Improved operational efficiency: Centralise all your currency needs in one efficient account, enhancing operational efficiency.

5. Import & export firms

Businesses dealing with international suppliers or customers understand the complexities of currency management.

  • Optimised payment processes: Pay suppliers or receive payments in their preferred currency, fostering trust and smoother business relations.
  • Competitive exchange rates: With Equals Money, businesses can take advantage of competitive rates, presenting the opportunity to make the mot of each transaction.


The multi-currency account is not just a financial tool; it's an asset for businesses navigating the global market. With the ability to manage, send, and receive in 38 currencies, Equals Money offers a unique proposition for UK businesses. Whether you're a freelancer, an e-commerce mogul, or a travel entrepreneur, the future is multi-currency, and it's time to be a part of it.

Find out more

*Equals Money can only offer forward contracts to facilitate payments for goods and services

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