Sah Wind Power Plant

Sah Wind Power Plant
Location: Turkey
Galata Wind Enerji A.S. (GALATA) installed Sah WPP with 105 MWM/105 MWe installed capacity in Bandirma district of Balikesir and Karacabey district of Bursa, Turkey. The project WPP have 35 turbines of which 22 turbines are in Balikesir province, and 13 turbines are in Bursa province, each having an output of 3.0 MW. The total electricity production of the project is expected to be 341.275 MWh/year. Sah WPP has connected via a 35 km transmission line to the 154 kV Gobel Transformer Station and the generated electricity is supplied to Turkey’s national electricity grid."
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