Changes to the statement and transaction activity CSV

We’ve improved the statement and transaction activity CSV download. These changes should make it easier and faster for you to use the CSV.

Simplified date format

For easier filtering by transaction date, we have added columns in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. This is recognised as a date by Excel.

Separated credit and debit columns

We've added separate columns for credited and debited amounts, rather than just the combined column.

“Reference” column moved

This has been moved to after the “Description” column.

"Running balance" column moved

This is now after the "Debited excluding fees" column and before "Exchange rate". This means you can easily view this with the other amounts.

"Description" for payments

We’ve made this simpler, so that the payment network (SWIFT, Faster Payment etc.) is only shown in the “Type” column.

Improved information for exchanges

The “Description” column for credits and debits will be enhanced to show the currency exchanged. For example, if funds are being taken from your GBP balance and exchanged into USD, the description for the debit from the GBP balance would show “To USD” and the description for the credit column will show “From GBP”. Similarly, for auto exchanges (currency alignment), we now show the currency exchanged. For example, “To GBP for Auto exchange” and “From USD for Auto exchange”.

Columns for “Local currency” and “Local amount” will show the other side of an exchange, in the same row to allow you to understand the exchange at-a-glance.

Auto exchange

“Balance Hierarchy” corrected

This now displays accurately. For example, if a transaction took place on the LinkedIn Balance, you might see “Marketing/Socials". Balance hierarchy does not show for the Account Balance or the Balances directly under it (the first two rows in the example below).

Header improvement

Headers no longer repeat above each Balance. Column headers only appear on the first row.
