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If you're an Equals Money customer and think you've been a victim of a fraud or a scam, please contact us straight away.

Euan's Key Takeaways:

  • Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud involves criminals tricking individuals or businesses into authorising a payment to a fraudulent account. This can be done through various means, such as impersonating a trusted authority or manipulating the victim into believing their payment is legitimate. The key aspect of APP fraud is that the victim themselves inadvertently authorises the payment, making it appear genuine.
  • APP fraud typically involves the scammer convincing the victim to transfer money to an account controlled by the fraudster, often through tactics such as phishing emails or phone calls. These scammers employ sophisticated techniques to create a sense of urgency or trust, leading the victim to transfer the funds willingly.
  • There are several red flags that may suggest you are being targeted by an APP fraudster. These include unsolicited requests for personal or financial information, pressure to make immediate payments, and the use of unfamiliar or suspicious payment methods. Furthermore, discrepancies in email addresses, phone numbers, or website domains should raise suspicions. It is always advisable to independently verify the authenticity of the communication before taking any action.

Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud is an increasingly prevalent threat in the UK, with individuals and businesses falling victim to this form of financial scam. Understanding the mechanics of APP fraud and the role of financial institutions is crucial in combating this growing problem. In this glossary entry, we will explore the concept of APP fraud, its rise in the UK, how to identify it, and the measures to prevent and address it.

Understanding the concept of Authorised Push Payment (APP) Fraud

APP fraud involves criminals tricking individuals or businesses into authorising a payment to a fraudulent account. This can be done through various means, such as impersonating a trusted authority or manipulating the victim into believing their payment is legitimate. The key aspect of APP fraud is that the victim themselves inadvertently authorises the payment, making it appear genuine.

The mechanics of APP fraud

APP fraud typically involves the scammer convincing the victim to transfer money to an account controlled by the fraudster, often through tactics such as phishing emails or phone calls. These scammers employ sophisticated techniques to create a sense of urgency or trust, leading the victim to transfer the funds willingly.

For example, a fraudster may masquerade as a representative from a well-known financial institution, informing the victim of a suspicious transaction on their account. In a state of panic, the victim may be persuaded to follow instructions to transfer the funds to a supposedly secure account. Once the transfer is complete, the fraudster disappears, leaving the victim at a loss.

The role of financial institutions in APP fraud

Financial institutions play a crucial role in preventing and addressing APP fraud. As custodians of people's money, banks and other financial service providers must implement robust security measures to protect their customers from falling victim to such scams.

However, it is important to note that financial institutions are not solely responsible for preventing APP fraud. Educating customers and raising awareness about the different types of scams can help individuals and businesses become more vigilant when it comes to their financial transactions.

In recent years, the rise of digital banking and online transactions has provided fraudsters with new avenues to exploit unsuspecting victims. The convenience and speed of electronic payments have made it easier for criminals to carry out APP fraud on a larger scale. This has prompted financial institutions to invest heavily in technology and security systems to stay one step ahead of the fraudsters.

While financial institutions play a vital role in preventing APP fraud, individuals and businesses must also take responsibility for their own security. This includes regularly updating passwords, being cautious of unsolicited communication, and verifying the legitimacy of any requests for payment or personal information.

In conclusion, APP fraud is a sophisticated form of deception that relies on tricking victims into authorising fraudulent payments. Financial institutions play a crucial role in preventing and addressing this type of fraud, but individuals and businesses must also remain vigilant and educated to protect themselves from falling victim to these scams.

The rise of APP fraud in the UK

APP fraud has been on the rise in recent years, posing a significant challenge for individuals and businesses alike. Understanding the scope of the problem is essential in developing effective strategies to combat this form of fraud.

The impact of technology on APP fraud

The rapid advancement of technology has played a significant role in the increase of APP fraud. Scammers are leveraging sophisticated techniques and exploiting vulnerabilities in digital systems to target unsuspecting victims.

With the advent of online banking and mobile payments, criminals have found new avenues to carry out their fraudulent activities. The convenience and speed of these digital transactions make it easier for unsuspecting individuals to fall into their traps.

How to identify APP fraud

Recognising the signs of APP fraud is crucial in stopping these scams in their tracks. By familiarising yourself with common indicators, you can protect yourself and your business from falling victim to this type of fraud.

Common signs of APP fraud

There are several red flags that may suggest you are being targeted by an APP fraudster. These include unsolicited requests for personal or financial information, pressure to make immediate payments, and the use of unfamiliar or suspicious payment methods.

Furthermore, discrepancies in email addresses, phone numbers, or website domains should raise suspicions. It is always advisable to independently verify the authenticity of the communication before taking any action.

Different types of APP fraud scams

APP fraud can take various forms, each with its own unique characteristics. Some common types of scams include invoice fraud, romance scams, and CEO impersonation scams. Being aware of these different schemes can help you identify potential threats and take appropriate measures to protect yourself.

Preventing APP fraud

Prevention is the best defence against APP fraud. Taking proactive steps to safeguard your finances and educate yourself and your employees about these scams must be a top priority.

Best practices for individuals

As an individual, there are several precautions you can take to minimise the risk of falling victim to APP fraud. First and foremost, exercise caution when providing personal or financial information online. Be wary of unsolicited requests and always verify the legitimacy of any communication before taking action.

Additionally, regularly monitoring your bank statements and being vigilant for any unusual activity can help identify potential scams at an early stage. It is also advisable to keep your devices and software up to date with the latest security updates.

Measures for businesses to prevent APP fraud

Businesses must implement robust security measures to protect themselves and their customers from APP fraud. This includes employee training on recognising and reporting potential scams, implementing secure payment processes, and regularly reviewing and updating security protocols.

In addition, businesses should consider using verification processes, such as dual authorisation for high-value transactions or implementing additional fraud prevention measures provided by their financial institutions.

What to do if you're a victim of APP fraud

Despite taking all necessary precautions, it is still possible to become a victim of APP fraud. In such instances, it is important to act quickly and report the fraud to the appropriate authorities.

Reporting APP fraud

If you suspect you have been a victim of APP fraud, report the incident to your bank or financial institution immediately. They will guide you through the necessary steps to resolve the situation and potentially recover the funds.

If you're an Equals Money customer and think you've been a victim of a fraud or a scam, please contact us straight away.


Remember, prevention is the key to combating APP fraud. Stay informed, exercise caution, and be proactive in safeguarding your finances and your business against these scams. By remaining vigilant, we can collectively work towards minimising the impact of APP fraud and keep our financial systems secure.

This publication is intended for general information purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, tax, or other professional advice from Equals Money PLC or its subsidiaries and affiliates.

It is recommended to seek advice from a financial advisor, expert, or other professional. We do not make any representations, warranties, or guarantees, whether expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, or completeness of the content in the publication.

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