Creating Shared cards
Go to the “Cards” page and click “+ Create card”.

You will then need to choose either an Individual or Shared card. This article will discuss Shared cards.
Recommended article: What’s the difference between Individual and Shared cards?

First, you will be asked which Balance this card should draw from. The card will be able to draw money from the Balance you choose, in the currencies activated on those Balances. Allowing a card to draw from a particular Balance, does not mean you need to give it access to draw down all the funds held in that Balance (although you can). You can choose to limit how much money the card can access later by setting a spending limit.
Next, you will be asked to give the card a name. We recommend giving your card a name that refers to its intended purpose, for example, “Manchester Office management”, “Slack subscription” or “Google Ad spend”.
Lastly, you will need to select someone to receive online payment notifications. As you may have experienced with other payment cards, you will occasionally get security notifications of online transactions, which must be accepted before the transaction can proceed.
Congratulations, you’ve now created your Shared card! As soon as you finish the card menu will appear.
This will allow you to:
- View the card details
- Edit the name of the card
- Set spending limits
- Cancel the card
Recommended article: Setting card spending limits